Kevin’s Garden is a memorial garden for a young man in our church who passed away in the spring of 2010. The purpose of this garden is to provide fresh produce to families who come to the Jay Weaver Food Pantry. This project began in February of 2011, and we have harvested an abundance of tomatoes, peppers, eggplants, cucumbers, squash, zucchini, green beans, basil and much more. Our compost bins allow us to amend our soil with nutrients. Kevin’s Garden has provided numerous opportunities for our youth and members of the church and community to become involved with the Food Pantry and the families we support.
We’d love to have your help with re-building raised beds, preparing beds for spring planting, re-installing bird houses
and planting native plants in the new North Garden.
Please come for any part of the day you can.
We’ll have tools and gloves, but you can bring your own if you’d like.
We are looking forward to a wonderful season in the garden and we hope to again share the bounty from
the garden with the Jay Weaver Food Pantry for distribution to their families.
There are garden beds available for you to plant and tend this season.
We look forward to seeing you on March 22!
Let’s grow together.